Friday, April 10, 2009

These are a few of my...

I've been storing mental post-its about things that really irritate me. I had planned to blog about such. I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to post a laundry-list of complaints to the world that could potentially be used against me one day when I'm being nominated for Secretary of Education. I mean, just imagine how these things could be "spun": when people claim to have 20 best friends, when people "complain" (read: boast) about how many weddings they have to go to, people who say they don't have time to watch TV. Can't you just hear the White House Press Corps: "It appears that you support isolation and negative interpersonal skills in children. How could you be Education Secretary with this perspective?" Or, "You obviously feel that consistent, prolonged exposure to television is positive for children. How do you reconcile that with overwhelming research to the contrary?" I'd be up a creek without a paddle. I'd have to withdraw my name for nomination for sure. I'd have to cite "personal reasons" or something lame. complaining for me. I love everyone.

In fact, on that note, I'll just blog about things that I really love/like. Why not? After all, if I'm gonna be grilled about something one day, at least I can go down fighting for things I believe in! So...

1) The e-Trade baby commercials. The one with the group of babies laughing. The kid in the middle of the back row is trying to cry I think but it looks like laughing. I just know he is. I crack up every time.

2) Scout Watkins. Our dog. He rolled his eyes at me yesterday because I was hugging hi too much. I don't care. I love him. I forget his birthday every year and I feed him too many treats and he throws up but I still love him. I clean out his eye boogers everyday and I let him lick my ice cream bowl. He's my favorite.

3) Unconditional love. Great thing really. People love you no matter what you do, ever. No matter how snappy you are or how critical or how stubborn or how indecisive. No conditions. No limits to the love. Nothing will ever be too much for your love. The best.

4) Harper Jane. Best kid ever. God thinks that He pulled a fast one on me. Bringing she and her family into my life just when I was ready to write off the whole kid thing. Ha. I sniffed Him out. She's totally convinced me. Not because my kid will be just like her (the one I'll have later on, not anytime soon). Not because she'll have as cool of a name as Harper. Only because I will regret it forever if I didn't have my own Harper.

5) My family. Ok...I'm getting cheesy. I know. Again, don't care. My family isn't perfect but honestly, we try. And I don't mean we try in a cliche way. I mean, we all love each other more than we love the points we're trying to make or the grudges we hold or the mean words we've exchanged. To me, that's closer to perfect that peaceful family meals or non-competitive family games or relaxing and worry-free family vacations.

6) William Christie. Girl's name and all. Even though he just cut off all of his hair and I can no longer pull out the few grays he has (not when they're short, too painful for him). Too much to type about why. I'll save that for another day when I feel like complaining! :)


  1. Awwww. Harper loves you too. And she's glad that she has such control over your reproductive decisions:) Hurry up an give her a best friend already.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Harper might not be Waddie's favorite anymore since she has control over my reproductive decisions and Waddie does not.

  4. Waddie knows she never did really.

  5. I love your blogs. I laugh every time. Tie cut his hair??... I'll check it out when I see him this morning. Scout is the best doggie playmate ever!
