Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tie and I just returned from a little jaunt to Seagrove Beach. This will hopefully be our first of several trips there this year.

I would like to think that if money/time/effort were no object, I'd be on the first plane to a truly exotic beach location like, say, Fiji or the Maldives or someplace similar. You know, glass-bottomed tiki-hut with burly, tan man paddling up with a platter of island sweet meats and something tasty in a coconut...

But, maybe I wouldn't head for such a location. I'm pretty sure my heart belongs to 30-A (the 20ish mile county highway that Grayton, Seaside, Seagrove, Seacrest, Alys and Rosemary beaches are situated along). And here's why:

1. Beeeeutifaul beach: seriously, no trash. All the beaches in Walton Co. have received some environmental commendation certifying their cleanliness, and all that other stuff that makes them environmentally pristine. Sorry I don't know what it is. But I know that in 4 trips, I've literally seen less than 5 pieces of trash on the beach or in the water. I've seen more wildlife than trash: nurse shark, jellies, crazy fish, dolphins...

2. Little commercialization: no obnoxious condo complexes to ruin the horizon line, none of those ridiculous, trashy tourist shops that sell skeeze and not a nasty, over-priced, kitschy restaurant in site. Instead...

3. Uniqueness and originality: in the form of eateries, recreation, etc. Not one chain dining location on 30-A (that I know of). Rather, smallish, eclectic or wonderfully simple locales like the Shrimp Shack or Pizza by the Sea or one of several Airstream pit-stops selling fresh-fruit daiquiris or BBQ. For fun of the non-eating variety, how about one of the numerous funky art galleries showcasing local talent or a evening on the lawn listening to some lesser-well-known-but likely-way-more-talented musical acts under the stars? All of this is available to you while listening to the waves roll in and smelling that unmistakable sea side air, which you can also do whilst...

4. Biking: like most of the rest of Florida, 30-A is super flat. The sidewalks that line the highway up and down the beach are wide enough to accommodate bikers and pedestrians. There are numerous crossing paths and a large majority of the time, vehicles kindly stop to allow bikers to cross the paths without having to stop and start. There are several bike rental shops in the area that rent the standard beach-comber bike. The bikes are certainly not made for true "cycling" or really much of anything but riding leisurely on flat roads. However, if you really get ambitious, you could take them on a longer jaunt: Tie and I rode 16 miles for a trip just the other day. But, easy strolls are the norm for visitors and many, many get to and fro along the coast on their bikes, stuffing beach bags in the wire baskets on the front and carrying beach chairs on your back. Easy living indeed!

5. Global flair: In addition to the good ole' American patrons of 30-A, there always seems to be a fairly significant number of globe-trotting visitors. There was the Russian waiter at Bud & Alley's (most famous eatery in Seaside). The British ladies working at the new shop in Watercolor (Fuss). And then several other visiting Europeans (I believe) taking in the beauty of 30-A. I really noticed them this time as the cooler weather necessitated their black garb that while certainly keeping them warm, also caused them to stick out a little amongst those of us determined to wear the standard beach attire regardless of the temperature.

Really, there are TONS more reasons why I'm smitten with 30-A. But I think all of them go back to the mellow, quaint and simultaneously cool vibe that imbues everything about the area.

You should go...really, do. Just don't take my beach house from June 26-July 3...k, thanks!


  1. You should be a travel writer...and take me with you.

  2. and to think I thought you were talking about my bra size...

  3. andy has created a document of potential places to stay. says he'll send it out tomorrow. 2 months, 20 days! whoo!
