Friday, March 27, 2009

London Calling...

Yesterday afternoon, I took Scout on a walk through the park across from our house.

I had the iPod on and my favorite mellow mix lulling in my ears. We'd been walking for about 10 minutes and about that time, the views in the park, the smells of outside and the weather all conjured up strong memories of my favorite park in London...Hampstead Heath.

I did a semester abroad in London in the Spring of 2003. It was amazing. Even though my snot was black from all the pollution and my feet were swollen to abnormal proportions from all the walking and the exchange rate was terrible, I still loved it. Even though the kitchen in our flat wasn't big enough to sit down in Indian-style and be able to stand up quickly, I loved it. Even though Tube rides were constantly interrupted by ridiculous strikes and it was instantly dark and terrifying on a train with 300 strangers, I still loved it.

I loved it because of the readily available Cadbury Carmel bars (a true delicacy). I loved it because there was ALWAYS something to see/do/smell/touch. I loved it because I had to figure out everything on my own (a close second for favorite thing about the trip) but most of all, I loved it for the parks. There are parks everywhere. Big and small. Dirty and clean. Trendy and urbane. Right next to our flat, there was a tiny park with statues of Ghandi. It was called Peace Park. There was a dirt path around the perimeter of the park. If you walked the path 10 times, it was a mile (VERY SMALL park). But, between the path and the fence for the park, there were tons of wild lilac bushes. Every week I would walk down there with scissors and bring back fresh lilac for our flat. Every time I smell it, my sensory time travel machine teleports me back.

But, my favourite park of all was Hampstead Heath. I had to ride the double decker to get there. I think it was because the bus stop was at the end of the road the park was on and that was closer than the closest Tube stop. Anyway, the park is huge. Several large ponds. Several big hills, one of which looks over the actual city. The first time I went, it was leisurely. The second time and every time thereafter, I had school work to do. So, I packed my huge camping/hiking pack to the gills with blanket, pillow, snacks, music, water, snacks, school stuff, maps, hand sanitizer, journal, snacks and a pen. Literally. The pack probably weighed 50 pounds. Despite the multitude of snacks, I would stop on the way into the park at the Starbucks on the road. So then I had pack and Starbucks.

When I got to the park, I would unload everything and get it all sat out around me and then promptly being studying. RIIIIGHHT. I NEVER got one iota of work done when I went. I would always people watch for literally 4-5 hours. It was ridiculous. You think I would've stopped taking the ginormous bag with me but, it helped me justify the excursion. If I had work with me, then I might do it. Thus, 4-5 hours at a park was a legitimate use of my time.

I can't wait to get back to London. I know Tie and I will be there eventually. I don't know in what capacity. But, item #1 on the agenda (after we unpack and get a Cadbury Carmel bar) will be a trip to the Heath. You must go if you're there. My words don't do it justice.

1 comment:

  1. yay - finally a new blog! i want to go to heath park - let's go!!
