Sunday, March 1, 2009

What's in a Laugh?

For a long time, Tie and I were completely opposite in every way you can imagine.The more time that goes by, the more we kinda meet in the middle. I'm calmer, saner and more redneck now (thanks to his penchant for Alabama football). He's crazier, louder and cooler now. It works nicely for the both of us.

The one area where we still find little common ground is humor. He thinks I'm funny (of course, why wouldn't he) and I think he's funny (obligatory). But, as for what we think is funny from outside sources, well, that's where it gets dicey. Right this very minute, he's reading someone else's blog about dog poop. That's right, he's blog cheating on me. I hear his ridiculously unique laugh...imagine holding your breath and then quick, sudden bursts escaping either in freakishly girly sounding mini-hoots or low rumbling growls to offset the girly hoots. Yes, thus are the magically humorous side-effects of dog poop.

I think animals are funny. He thinks animals on fire are funny (not intentionally set ablaze, only accidentally). I think kids saying dumb things are funny. He thinks kids screaming expletives are funny (think Pearl...the landlord). I think British humor is funny. He thinks Sasha Baren Cohen is British humor. He thinks Jim Carey is funny (sooooo 90s). He thinks farts are funny. Especially if they result in poop (accidental or intentional). Sigh...

And since his ridiculous competitiveness has rubbed off on me, apparently we need to determine who likes the "right" funny stuff. So, here's a sampling of his and my humor. Which do you think is funnier?

Tie's humor:

My humor:


  1. Looks like you brought a knife to a gun fight. You're gonna have to to better than British toddler humor to trump me!

  2. Personally, I think they are both quite hilarious ...

  3. I have to side with Tie on that one... The Griddleman was hilarious! thanks for sharing ...but Charlie is well on his way to being another "super funny" British thug.
