Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nanny Cam

I'm wondering how hard I'd have to try to convince my husband that we need to invest in a nanny cam. For the umpteenth time lately, I've overslept, despite diligently setting two alarm clocks before going to sleep a mere 5-6 hours prior. Just before slipping off to slumber last night, we discussed alarm clocks and their effectiveness. I was debating whether to set my actual alarm clock in addition to my phone alarm or just go with the phone alarm. Tie wanted to know why I would set both (apparently he didn't notice that I do and have for about, oh...years now). I explained that with two, I'm certain to wake up on time.

Enter purpose #1 for nanny cam. I would love to see what I/Tie look like as my two alarms go off and his one alarm goes off for about an hour every morning. He sets his WAY earlier than he needs to to get up...generally about 45 minutes to an hour earlier. I set two and set them both for about 30 minutes before I need to get up. One of mine is 4 minutes faster than the other one. We like to hit the snooze button, ours are both programmed for 10 minutes. So, between the three alarm clocks, each set to go off at different times and each being "snoozed" at different times, I'm 100% positive that we look like complete bafoons flopping around on the bed hitting the snooze button every two minutes.

One variation of this process include wrestling with terrible uncertainty as to which alarm clock is going off and struggling to swat the right button before the other one goes off. Another is when I turn off or snooze one of my alarms, thinking it's Tie. Yet another still is when who ever's alarm it is thinks it's the others and doesn't turn theirs off. More often than not, Tie does this. My favorite response of his when I tell him, quite nicely and quietly I might add, to turn his alarm off is his puny and unnaturally (given the hour of day and lack of functioning state of being) defensive tone, "Stop yelling at me!" Yes, I would be willing to subject myself to worldwide humiliation and post said video footage on YouTube in hopes of earning a spot on Stupid Human Tricks or something of the like.

Reason #2 for nanny cam is for my mental health. On days when I oversleep, I am 100% positive that I set my alarm(s) the night before. So, what the heck happened? I didn't turn it off. I double checked to make sure it is set properly. What is this madness? Who is conspiring against met to foil my day? I have a couple theories. I wreaked havoc on the tooth fairy for a little while as a kiddo. Pulled numerous teeth that weren't ready to come out and kept the lady hopping when she had more worthy teeth to confiscate. Perhaps she is exacting revenge. My dog, really the cutest thing ever (and I don't mean rat dog with rhinestone collar cute) might be using his paw to cause me great paranoia. After all, he is pretty smart and down right spoiled (I've only recently come to this conclusion) and it wouldn't surprise me at all to see that he botched our highly scientific and effective rousing routine. He loves burrowing down in the covers or basically hogging any warm spot on the bed. In fact, for a mere 18 pounds, you'd think he was a burly boulder for how much success we have nudging him out of the middle of the bed at night. However, when I get up, his major source of heat is gone. 2 + 2 = 4, right?

I believe I've sufficiently proven my case for purchasing the nanny cam. Of course, my money might be better spent on getting one of those alarm clocks that gives you an electric shock when you hit the snooze button, or throws out a few puzzle pieces that must be correctly assembled for the alarm to stop sounding. Or even better, that bounces around the room as you chase it. Wait...maybe all of these gadgets plus a nanny cam is the way to go. :)


  1. We are having a similar situation with the baby monitor at the moment. Apparently, it seems that sometimes in the middle of the night, I turn it off. If H wakes up and starts to cry, I don't always hear her right away. Then she really gets worked up and it takes longer to get her back to sleep. Rob loves it when this happens and makes comments similar to Tie's "Stop yelling at me!" response.

  2. I don't think I could have parented a person this neurotic. Does Mamma need to start calling to wake her precious up each morning?
