Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Mostly because I'm totally uninspired to write anything original. So...25 Random things about meeeeeeeeee....

1. I love the 3 dot thing, I can't remember what it's called...
2. I have a very high tolerance for pain.
3. I have a very low tolerance for Duke.
4. I stepped on my own fingers once. It hurt.
5. I am ridiculously clumsy.
6. I fell through a glass table when I was little. I was jumping on it. See #5.
7. I am not stupid. See #6.
8. I lived in London for a semester in college. While there, I somehow managed to miss going to Westminster Abbey. I am ashamed.
9. I love smells. Good ones.
10. I think most people look like I other people I know (or celebrities). I tell them this a lot. It's probably annoying.
11. I am annoying. In an endearing way.
12. My eyes are green when I stare directly into the sunlight.
13. I have damaged retinas. See #12.
14. I have numerous scars. Everywhere. Mostly small ones. Mostly related to softball, falling of my bike, falling out of a tree, etc.
15. One time when I was about 12, I was riding my bike up our street, which was on a moderate incline. I put my head down and stood up to pedal. I ran smack into a car that was parked on the street. I sat on the curb for about 30 minutes because I was a) concussed and b) really embarrassed and certain that people were laughing at me out their windows.
16. My sensory perception is very acute. I am a teacher so this serves me well. Yes, I do have eyes in the back of my head.
17. I am a really good judge of character = I can smell a rat.
18. I love snow.
19. My husband and I had a beautiful outdoor wedding at the end of October (planned). We worked for months on the farmhouse/property where we were going to get married. It poured down rain. We got married inside.
20. When I was walking down the aisle on my wedding day, I almost fell. :)
21. I can bend my tongue in half. You can't.
22. I LOVE to mow grass (on a tractor).
23. I despise snobbery. With a passion.
24. I LOVE maps. Especially old, random maps.
25. I LOVE to travel, fly, pay in foreign currency, look up directions on street maps, ride subways, etc.


  1. your eyes are (not) green...although i know how very much you wish they i'm sure they appear green to you when you stare at the sun - probably because you can't see anything but those spotty dots...which can cause visual misperception...just saying.

    your wedding was a beautiful indoor wedding...who cares if it was like hurricane isidore outside.

  2. Amen to what Jenny said - God love her! And Kate honey, Your GG, you and me all went to Westminster Abbey - I so cannot believe you don't remember that. I remember it vividly - it was the day that the UK sent troops into Iraq and there was a huge crowd of protestors outside when we came out. Do you not remember that? Perhaps you are still concussed! By the way - I think this comment may post under your dad's google account but it's really me, mom, who is writing it.

  3. No I didn't go to that! I had class...Clay went with you. I promise...I've never been there. And, Jenny just said that because her eyes are like, cat green. She doesn't want me to confuse my green with her green. There, it's settled.

  4. I have no idea what the 3 dot thing is.

  5. the 3 dot thing is called an ellipsis:

    "An ellipsis [ … ] proves to be a handy device when you're quoting material and you want to omit some words."

    i love your blogs! here i am (working) and i just observed all these crazy (funny, haha, not psycho-crazy) kiddos in 3rd grade and then i thought maybe you got bored during the day and posted another blog - re-reading this made me laugh again! yay blogs!

  6. Thanks for clarifying things there at the end mom. I was beginning to worry that I had written something I had zero recollection of...
    I KNOW that I didn't go to Westminster Abbey because I was HOME WORKING while you all were in merry old England. Yes I am still a bit bitter.
    Katie I think you eyes are green.
    And your wedding was amazing. The church was amazing. The whole day was amazing - most of it in a good way!

  7. Kate, I think your eyes are green, too. And I love ellipses, too!!
